
20 de mayo de 2009

EITB nos invitó recientemente a participar en Nonick09, International Conference on web & tv. Bilbao, April 24th & 25th, 2009. Me he retrasado prácticamente un mes en postear, pero reconozco que la organización de las sextas Jornadas Blogs y Medios de Granada requieren toda mi atención en el tiempo que me deja libre mi ocupación en el periódico Ideal.

Pronto actualizaré este post con un resumen de las ideas que me he traído de mi viejo y querido Bilbao, que tengo prácticamente terminado. Ahora os dejo unos vídeos de la increíble gente de Agora News y uno de cosecha propia.

También, incluyo el resumen escrito por uno de los asistentes al Taller de Enredados. Agradezco especialmente @plastidecor @charlietorres @jaime_estevez y, sobre todo, @jamoral su atención. Y, por cierto, es de agradecer siempre poder tener el privilegio de trabajar con todos los Enredados; probablemente, la mejor gente con la que nadie pueda trabajar.

Untitled from Javier F. Barrera on Vimeo.
(RECOMENDACIÓN: La música es de Brad Sucks from Jamendo
'Making Me Nervous') Gracias!

Creating content through community
The Enredados perspective

(Manu Srikumar, amablemente, ha escrito este resumen del Taller de Enredados en Nonick09. Muchas gracias, Manu).

Nonick Conference was not all about conferences. There were some interesting workshops from new media companies in Spain. I attended some of them and one of them was called ‘Creating community through content’ organized by Javier from Enredados. I went to the hall to find it already full with around 25 people. Javier was kind enough to talk in English although only 3 of us at the workshop did not understand Spanish.

Javier explained how just two of them Javier and the Tech director (I forgot the name, I think it was Jesus) started a company in a small town of just 10,000 people at the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. The focus was on new media and they started by producing podcasts about facebook, blogs and twitter, etc…They never expected this to become something big as the number of listeners was not too much. When they invited people for a party, only a few turned up. But we have to understand that although they had a very less audience, most of them were engaged ones. This means they were people who were really interested and not casual listeners.

Slowly, Javier and crew expanded by conferencing with specialists all over Spain by calling them and interviewing them over the phone. They also added a blog. The focus has always been to create quality content and not to increase following. The understanding from Enredados is exactly this. If you want to create an engaged community, you have to focus on producing good content and keeping you audience always interested. Javier and crew always made it a point to treat every query and feedback from their listeners with utmost importance and always greeted and interacted with their audience with a personal touch. Javier charms his audience with passion and attitude and is very unassuming. No wonder that just after talking to him for not more than 5 minutes, we are already good friends.

After 3 seasons of their podcast, Enredados is very successful. They have been invited to various conferences to talk about their success and how they managed it. Javier also tells me that after this significant experience, it is immaterial what the topic is, Javier and team can create podcasts and use new media tools to distribute these. They also run a successful blog which is ranked around 150 of all the Spanish blogs in the world. The company has also expanded with partners even in the Americas. They have a partner in Venezuela and they are slowly spreading wings.

Although Javier did not present any slides on community management/ using tools to engage audiences or any other topic, his whole demeanor during the workshop was education in itself how you can keep your audience engaged. Javier also presented me with their very famous brand identity logo and tool, the torico….It is a bull made of clay with a whistle to blow. He has already uploaded a picture of me blowing it.
All the best to you, Javier !!!!!

Y finalment, mis conclusiones:

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