The Rainbow Web
Mobile devices using/used for journalism/journalists
The Web is not dead but you can work without the Web. You, as journalist who lives in the XXI century, have three levels to choose: smart phones, tablets and laptops. But be careful, each level & device means diferent ways of working: to be connected just surfing or creating content. Let me tell you why and explain you the better way to be a journalist in The Real Time Internet.
Information about the speaker
Javier F. Barrera is journalist at Vocento, the largest Media & Internet company in Spain. He started working 23 years ago in this company.
Javier has spent one year (june 2010-now) visiting as teacher & consultor Vocento´s regional newspapers all over Spain for the integration process web+print.
He works as Multimedia Editor at Ideal de Granada , Founder of 1001 Medios , a Media Lab for
Journalists. His blog is Periodismo al Pil Pil
Vuelvo a Bilbao para participar por tercera vez consecutiva en Nonick Conference.
No sé cómo dar las gracias a todos los amigos de y abrazaré @Lontzo
Estoy pensando que los alumnos de @maganzabal y compays de @blogdebori estarían encantados de venir tras la charleta del mes pasado sobre Neomarquismo.
Pronto iré comentando lo que estamos preparando para el Workshop, pero por aquí hay pistas.